We want to make it as easy as possible for NADAC clubs to hold successful NADAC trials.

If you need help then please get in touch with us.

Exhibitor Handbook

Trial Secretaries should familiarise themselves with the current rules.  Exhibitors may have questions for you.

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Equipment Specifications

All trial events must use equipment that meets NADAC specifications.  Do you know what they are and does your club equipment meet them?

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Trial Date reservation

Thinking about having an additional trial or perhaps you are a new club wanting to see if a date is available.

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Trial Premium Template

All trial premiums must be presented in the correct templated layout.  This provides consistency across clubs and for exhibitors.

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Data Submission for NADAC Trial App

Use this form to submit data for the Trial App

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Trial Secretary Handbook

The Trial Secretary Handbook will guide you through the administrative processes required to run a NADAC trial.

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NADAC club Application

Groups or clubs who wish to hold NADAC trial events must be sanctioned before they can apply to hold a trial.

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Held Dates for next Year

Clubs/Groups who have hosted trials in the current year have a priority option for those dates next year.

View held dates

Show report

We hope your trial was a major success!  Don't forget to submit your post-trial show report.  The exhibitors will thank you as it updates their points.

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Find an Event

NADAC Clubs can find a full listing of all the current NADAC events currently scheduled.  This will help you plan your trial event.

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NADAC Club/Group Renewal

Club renewals are due annually by 31 December.  You can renew your clubs sanctioning as early as you like.

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Trial Application

Ready to submit your trial application?  We are ready to process it for you.  The earlier you submit your application the better.

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Find a Judge

Your trial has been approved and it is time to engage a Judge.  Find out which Judge's are available to take assignments.

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Is your club or group interested in holding NADAC trials?

Drop us a line today so we can talk you through your options!

What our NADAC Australia Dog agility exhibitors say

NADAC is the best. It caters for new dogs and handlers as well as for older dogs and handlers and everything in between. The courses are fun and flowing but still challenging, times are achievable and you get rewarded frequently along your NADAC journey. My boys and I love it.

Gayle Baxter.

NADAC is so cool. It caters for every dog and handler from beginner to advanced and from young to old and human athlete to fitness challenged. So much fun with your dog in a relaxed atmosphere.

Donna Merrilees.

I was introduced to NADAC agility, approximately 9 years ago.  I was extremely happy and excited to join with my dog Harvie.  Many things appealed to us. The opportunity to run your dog at a lower jump height. Harvie struggled with the regulation height at other codes. The lower height enabled us to keep playing agility. Only one ring running at any time. This was less stressful for me as a handler, not needing to be in multiple places at once and brilliant when you are running a second dog. Multiple types of courses, ie tunnelers, hoopers etc, are so much fun for everyone. I admire the NADAC philosophy, which makes allowances for veteran dogs and handlers. Most importantly, safety for all is the number one priority of NADAC. On a personal note, the Nadac community is very inclusive and supportive. I highly recommend Nadac to anyone who wants to have fun with their dogs, keep fit and join a great group of people.

Janice Crooks.

NADAC has provided a safe and fun place for my rescue dog to play agility.  It has been central to building his confidence.  It has given him a way to use up mental and physical energy that may otherwise be used on destroying furniture or raiding bins!  Thanks for helping to turn a nervous rescue pooch into a happy agility star.

Milly Burke.

Join our direct to you communication Service

The NADAC Australia Office will send important information and updates directly to your inbox.  Never miss out on trial dates again!  NADAC Australia exhibitors can stay in the loop re rules and new stuff!

Your privacy is assured, we only send helpful emails and you can unsubscribe at any time